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Thumbhole Cuff
Make a comfy cuff with a thumb hole to add to your sweatshirts using my free pattern.

Fold the fabric with the greatest stretch along the fold.
Cut 4 pieces on the fold of the fabric. You need 2 for each cuff.
All seam allowances of 1cm are included and the pattern inludes info about making different sizes.
Put 2 pieces RS together.
Sew a 1cm seam as shown in the picture.

Open the seam allowances.
Fold with RS together and long edges together.
Sew round the curved seam.
Clip the seam allowances.
Turn the cuff the right way out through the small tube above the opening.
Pin round the opening and overlap the pieces at the long edge.

To make the cuff into a tube open up the fold at both ends and place the cut edges RS together.
Sew a 1cm seam and try to keep the seam allowances open as you bring the long edges together.
Pin the cut edges togther.
Place the cuff inside the sleeve with RS together and the opening level with the sleeve seam.
Sew and neaten the seam taking care over the thicker section.
Before overlocking I trimmed the seam allowance where all the layers overlap as this thick alpine fleece might have been too thick to go under the overlocker blades.

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